Care for the Skin
•Posted on November 22 2017

In today's blog, we are mixing things up a little. Instead of focusing on makeup tips and tricks all the time, we thought - why not bring up the topic of skincare as well? It is common to blame makeup products for being the cause of pimples and acne, but sometimes, your skincare routine may be the cause of it all. While skincare products are meant for, well, caring for the skin, choosing the incorrect products may lead to damaging the skin instead of protecting and maintaining it. Here at NOTE, we really care for your skin. So, we are going to give you some tips on how to choose your skincare products to create the perfect canvas for our makeup products to sit on!
This step is consistent throughout the next few blogs. Before you pick out the products to use for your skin, you must find out what your skin type is. There are five main skin types; Normal Skin, Oily Skin, Dry Skin, Combination Skin and Sensitive Skin. How do you identify your skin type? Let us help!
Normal Skin: Having normal skin is a blessing, as you have the least problems among all the other skin types. Normal skin means having a good amount of moisture in your skin, your pores are small and unclogged, and your skin has an even tone. This is the ultimate goal of every skincare regimen, and if you have normal skin, be sure to take good care of it!
Oily Skin: Having excess sebum in the skin leads to you having oily skin, enlarged and clogged pores. The excess sebum is produced by the oil glands going into overdrive, that is caused by puberty, or inheritance. People with oily skin will find their face greasy a few hours after washing, or if the makeup products they use are not suitable.
Dry Skin: Dry skin refers to having a lack of moisture in the skin. Dry skin is the complete opposite of oily skin, in which the oil glands in the face does not produce enough sebum to help maintain the moisture level in the skin. When the skin is dry, it is easily irritable, the skin will slowly lose its elasticity and peeling may occur.
Combination Skin: Simply put, combination skin is the combination of both dry and oily skin. People with combination skin gets oily in the T-zone (along the forehead and down the nose) but dry in the cheeks area. Combination skin is one of the harder skin types to combat due to the various factors to consider when purchasing products for the skin.
Sensitive Skin: You probably have sensitive skin if there are a lot of products that cause your skin to get irritated and red, or if exposure to a certain environment causes the same reaction. It is hard to identify the causes of sensitive skin as it takes experimenting with different products that may cause your skin to act up.
This is the hardest part of all the steps as it is tricky to identify every single trigger that causes your skin to act up. However, on the quest of countering your skin problems, this must be done. This is to ensure that, firstly, you know exactly what to avoid when purchasing skincare products, and secondly, you do not waste money. The easiest way is to request for testers of the products you wish to buy. Many companies provide little sachets that you can take home to try. If these companies do not offer testers to take away, use those in-store testers to try! If possible, go to the store bare-faced so that the reaction of the product is perfectly clear and not influenced by the effects of other products.
By using testers, you do not need to waste money to buy the products to try. We suggest leaving the products on your face for a period of time, preferably an hour or more, to see the results!
What you should avoid if you have;
Normal Skin: Well, you are open to use almost everything! However, do choose products meant for normal skin instead of for oily skin or dry skin. This is because oily skin products will be used to reduce the sebum on the face, which might be too drying for your normal skin. Dry skin products will focus on moisturising the skin more than the other skin types. This may trigger excess sebum to be produced.
Oily Skin: As mentioned, people with oily skin have an excessive amount of sebum which will need to be removed. Also, it is essential to unclog and shrink the enlarged pores to help the condition. Look for products that help to remove the excess oil, like tea tree, and unclog the pores, like charcoal products!
Dry Skin: The most important word for people with dry skin is MOISTURISE. The main focus is to replenish the moisture in the skin cells constantly such that it makes up for the lost moisture. Choose natural products, like aloe vera, as it is unlikely that you will react badly to them. Also, these natural products are cooling, making it soothing to apply on your skin. You could also incorporate sugar scrubs into your routine! Not only will it help to exfoliate your face in a less abrasive way, it will help moisturise your skin as well!
Combination Skin: Unfortunately to say, people with combination skin may take a little longer to find products suitable for them due to the nature of their skin type. We suggest choosing milder products to begin with, such that products used to counter a certain skin type will not end up worsening the other skin type. Although it might take a longer time to improve the skin condition, we advise you to be patient. It is better to take precautions against possibilities of making things worse, than to rush into it and implicating your condition.
Sensitive Skin: Avoid purchasing fragranced products as the chemicals used to give the product its nice smell maybe the cause of all your skin problems. We suggest using milder products that lean towards the natural side of things. Also, you could seek your dermatologist to test what you are sensitive to. This will make it easier, as you will know what to avoid.
After testing the products, and you are confident in them, go ahead and purchase them! Remember to read the ingredient list to ensure that there are no abrasive chemicals inside. We hope this blog has been helpful, and remember to be safe when choosing products!