Affilate Program

Influential among your peers and colleagues?

Why not earn from it. We have an affiliate program designed just for you.


Register now

For further enquiries, email:



What is affiliate marketing?

A program where a retailer pays commission to sales generated by the affiliate’s link.

The bottomline is: As long as customers purchase from us using your link, the commission from the sale is yours!

How do I register?

Fill in your particulars in the link above. We will contact you with more information upon receiving your submission.

How much is the registration?

The registration fee is only $50. The membership is valid for a year.

Do I get my affiliate link as soon as I register?

No. We will give you a call if your submission is successful. An affiliate account will be created for you to use and you can start promoting your link. (you can change the password when you login).

How do I use this affiliate link of mine?

You can get your friends/family/colleagues/followers to click on your link which leads to NOTE’s online store. Inform them through your social media / instant messaging or through word-of-mouth.

How can I see if the customer bought through my affiliate link?

You can view it on your affiliate marketing dashboard upon logging in with the account we have given you. You will be able to see:

  • The commission amount you have earned.
  • The total amount of the sale made from someone who bought from your link.

How am I paid?

All payments will be made through bank transfers. Every commission earned will be collated weekly and paid on every Wednesday.