Q. How do I place an order?
First, register an account:
Step 1: Please click on “Join” on the top right hand corner of any page
Step 2: Fill in your details as requested
Step 3: Click “Create"
After you have registered, just follow the steps below to get your hands on your preferred items from our site:
Step 1: Click on an item that you would like to purchase.
Step 2: Select your preferred colour (if applicable), and click “Add to Cart”
Step 3: Confirm the quantity and item on the Cart Page by clicking on "Cart". If everything in the cart is correct, proceed to payment by clicking on "Check Out"
Step 4: At the Check-out page, you would be asked to indicate your shipping information and your preferred payment mode. Here is also where you insert any discount code you know!
Step 5: Click “Order Now” at the Check-out page.
Q. How long does it take to confirm my order?
Orders are confirmed once the payment is made.
Q. How do I change the quantity of a particular item in my cart?
First, click on the “Cart” link in the upper-right corner of your computer screen. This will allow you to view all items currently in your cart, as well as the quantities that you have chosen for each item. To change the quantity of an item in your cart, move your cursor to the box that appears under the "Qty" header for this item and type in the quantity desired, then click the “Update cart” link. Once you do this, the quantity and associated amount will automatically change and reflect the correct amounts for both the quantity and the cost. The number in the brackets next to the word "Cart" should also reflect the change.
Q. What methods of payment do you accept?
We accept payment by:
- Credit Cards (VISA / MasterCard)
- Debit Cards
- Paypal
- eNETs
Q. Am I able to return the products if I am not satisfied with it?
Due to hygienic reason, there is no return policies on any products sold.
Q. Which make-up colours will look best on me?
You can refer to this link to see how to choose the best lipstick.
If you are still unsure, please do make your way down to the store for a better look at the makeup. Our salesperson will be able assist you with your inquiries.
Q. Is there an expiration date on the products?
Yes, on the box of the products there will be a small picture of tub with the lids off, like the one below, and the number indicated how many months the product is safe to use from the day it is opened.